-English version below.
(a). Aku rasa Tuhan dengar doaku.
(b). Aku yakin Tuhan dengar doaku.
(c). Aku tahu Tuhan dengar doaku.

Jika (a), itu berarti iman berdasarkan perasaan/emosi, & emosi selalu berubah-ubah baik karena situasi atau hormon fisik.
Jika (b), itu berarti iman berdasarkan pemahaman sendiri, & pemahaman bisa salah, jika hanya mendengar dari orang, atau melihat saja, semua bisa kabur, salah arti, bahkan banyak orang hidup dalam keyakinan yang salah/sesat.
Tetapi jawaban (c), itu berarti iman berdasarkan sesuatu yang diketahui benar adanya. Mungkin tidak terlihat dengan mata, mungkin tidak masuk akal, mungkin rasanya salah, tapi kita tahu itu benar. Inilah iman yang berdasar pada Firman Tuhan. Segala sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan Firman dalam Alkitab adalah tidak benar. Dan segala kebenaran dalam Alkitab adalah benar.

Dari ayat ini, saya tahu doa saya didengar bahkan dijawab Tuhan. Amin. Tuhan memberkati kita.
English version:
Which one is called faith?
(a). I guess God heard my prayer.
(b). I'm sure God heard my prayer.
(c). I know God heard my prayer.
The correct answer is (c).
If (a), it means faith based feelings / emotions, and
emotions are always changing either because the situation or physical hormones.
If (b), it means the faith by his own understanding, and
understanding can go wrong, if only to hear from the person, or viewing only,
all can be blurred, misunderstood, even many people living in the wrong belief
/ perverted.
But the answer to (c), it means that faith is based on
something you know is true. May not be visible to the eye, it may not make
sense, maybe it feels wrong, but we know it's true. This is the faith that is
based on the Word of God. Everything that is not in accordance with the Word in
the Bible is not true. And all the truths in the Bible is true.
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall
receive; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks
receives, and everyone who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be
opened." (Matthew 7: 7-8).
From this verse, I know my prayers are heard even
answered God. Amen. God bless us.